Monday, July 15, 2019

SSMN 200 years of service

July 15, 2019

Viewing the exhibit on 200 years in the life of the congregation.
Regardant l’exhibition de nos 200 ans de la vie de la congregation.
Olhando a presentacao de nossos 200 anos da vida da congregacao.

Viewing treasures in the archive.
En train de regarder les tresors de nos archives.
Olhando os tesouros de nossos arquivos.

Opening prayer. ~ Priere d’ouverture. ~ Oracao de abertura.

Sharing refreshments ~ Partageant rafraichissements. ~ Tomando a merenda juntas.

Dear Sisters,

We Started the General Chapter meetings in Namur by visiting an exposition on the history of the congregation prepared with care by Sr. Renée and the opening prayer prepared by the exiting general counsel which took place in our dear mother Clair’s big chapel at 7 p.m. It was a very lively and diverse celebration with readings in different languages, and songs…

During this prayer, our three former general superiors, Sr. Judith Carol, Réjeanne Roussel and Maureen Quinn, preceded to anoint us with oil. As we see in several passages in the Bible, refer to the use of oil and the importance of oil. Sisters were able to receive oil on one or both hands. The sisters were very happy and content and returned to Jambes by car, by bus or on foot.


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