Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mass at St. Loup

July 28, 2019

Final celebration at St. Loup!

On July 8, Sister Maureen Quinn, then Superior General of the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, opened the 2019 General Chapter in Namur, Belgium. Coincidentally, 2019 is the 200th anniversary of our foundation by Dom Nicholas Joseph Minsart, a former Cistercian monk, together with two young women from Namur: Josephine Sana and Elisabeth Berger. From that humble beginning, the congregation spread to nine other countries in Europe, North America, Africa, and South America. In these photos taken at the General Chapter, we see representa-tives from all ten countries as they assist at the Concluding Mass in the Church of St. Loup, the same church of which Dom Minsart was pastor 200 years ago. This year, Soeur Immaculée from Rwanda, was elected Superior General for the next six years. She will have as her Councilors: Sister Barbara from England, Soeur Marie Justine from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sister Maria das Graças of Brazil, and Soeur Ana from Belgium. After the Mass the Sisters processed to the corner of their nearby convent where a plaque has been installed to celebrate this momentous occasion.

For the 200th Jubilee!

Sr. Louise Smith, SSMN

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